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I love going to little kids birthday parties. They don’t hold back on the emotions like we adults have learnt to do over the years and it’s just hysterical to see them overloaded on sugar and emotions. Only I didn’t get to go this time because I have a stupid virus, Blarrh. I also missed out on going to the chocolate cafe how cruel is that.

Anyhoo, I made the little girl a crown with her letter on it because her Mummy said she liked dress ups and sparkly things. I hope she liked it according to my family who are all not sick and got to go to the party she wore it so that’s a good sign.


I also made her a rainbow kitty cat because the little crown didn’t seem like all that much when I had finished it. I hope he’s not to weird looking I made him up as I went along.

The lovely thing about the day was that the parents of the birthday girl took all our kids for the rest of the afternoon which was nice for Glenn, I didn’t really notice because I was asleep from 9:30 am till 2:30 pm. Then because apparently a birthday party and unexpected afternoon guests wasn’t enough stress for them they offered to have the kids over night. So Lilly and Eli went to their first not Grandma’s house sleep over and I was too woozy with flu medication to even panic about it, much. So just before I let my porridge filled head collapse onto the lounge chair to watch House make other sick people feel worse I would like to say a Huge Happy Birthday and Thank You Very Much to my friends, don’t I have cool friends?

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6 Responses to Birthdays

  1. Madeline says:

    Lucky little gal! And, lucky you with those sweet friends. Hope you feel better soon.

  2. Jill Grant says:

    If I have your kids overnight will you make me a rainbow kitty cat too???

  3. Sarah Slaven says:

    I think they might get a bit jet lagged if you have them over night but I could make you a rainbow Kitty Cat for a house warming present??

  4. Kate says:

    Such great presents! Hope you feel better.

  5. Katie b says:

    That crown is delightful, it always a crowd pleases to have our names on things 🙂

  6. Jill Grant says:

    i think i might have may a comment on this post sarah can’t you read?????????? Ha Ha

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